School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway

March 9, 2006 - 4:00 p.m.

March 2006 Workshop

Call to Order
Workshop Items
1. Consider role and topics for Board liaison with the Board of County Commission (Revised)
Attachment: Concurrency.pdf

Mr. Van Zant, as the School Board's liaison to the Board of County Commissioners, reported on his meeting with Mr. Bush from the BCC to discuss  concurrency issues and the School Board's request to implement school concurrency.  The BCC would like to implement concurrency by September, 2006.  An interlocal agreement would be required among all municipalities, including all the elements, and Public School Facilities would be one of these elements.  Once an Agreement is approved and in place, when a developer request is received, the school district would provide input regarding the impact the development would have on the school system and whether the current level of service standards can be maintained.  If there is no available space, and space will not be available or under construction in three years, the agreement could require the developer to commit to provide "proportional mitigation".  Further, with such recommendation from the school district, the BCC would have the authority to deny the request.

In concurrency include:  (1)  Zoning language for Adequate School Facilities;  (2)  Development approval language for concurrency; and (3) Couple with impact fees at permitting

Consensus of the Board was to pursue concurrency with the BCC.  Mr. Van Zant's role, as School Board liaison, will be to report back to the BCC liaison and convey consensus of the School Board to move forward with concurrency, supporting the BCC's goal to have a concurrency plan in place by September, 2006.  Followup will take place intermittently.  Hopefully, in the next 60 days, a joint workshop can be scheduled with the Board of County Commissioners to collectively discuss concurrency issues for the purpose of developing an Interlocal Agreement.

2. Other Board considerations for identity with the Board of County Commission

(All discussion was covered under the previous item.)

Superintendent's Requests
3. Visioning Workshop - April 6, 2006 (8:00 am - 2:00 pm)

Location - Business Affairs Conference Room

Attendees will be senior staff, along with any other directors deemed appropriate to provide input.

4. Electronic Agenda Deadlines (Revised)
Minutes: In light of recent technical problems with the e-agenda software, Superintendent Owens asked for consensus of the Board to make Noon on the day of a board meeting as the deadline for moving consent items to discussion.  Mr. Tom Moore, Chief Information Officer, briefly addressed the delay in software when moving items and noted that this deadline would prevent the problem from occuring during televised meetings.  The majority of the Board agreed to observe the deadline, however, Mr. Bolla did not agree, not wanting to relinquish the right to move an item at the last minute if he felt it was necessary.
5. Reschedule Regular June Board Meeting

Superintendent Owens expressed the need to move the regular June board meeting due to a conflict with a state joint meeting of all superintendents and school board members.  Consensus was to move the meeting to Tuesday, June 20, 2006.  The schedule of the day will be as follows:

2:00 Insurance Workshop (Media Center @ FIHS)

4:00 Student Discipline Hearings (TTC @ FIHS)

7:00 Regular Meeting (TTC @ FIHS)

Note for the record:  According to school board policy, an item will be placed on the April board meeting agenda for official action on this meeting date change.

School Board's Requests
6. Electronic Agenda
Minutes: Mrs. Vallencourt encouraged board members to view the video tape of the previous board meeting for "critique" purposes.  She noted that during meetings, if there is a technical problem with the software registering board member votes, it may be necessary for the Board Assistant to electronically register a vote once the verbal vote has taken place.  This will allow the meetings to progress in a more timely manner.
7. Northeast Florida School Boards Coalition
Minutes: Mr. Bolla reported on the Northeast Florida School Boards Coalition meeting he attended on March 8, 2006.  Topics covered were E-Comp Plan, School Start Date, and the 65% Plan.

8. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.